Saturday, July 09, 2005

Poetry by the Emo Child


Placards in hand, they march
In front of the
"Have the baby, raped girl or you'll go to hell" clinic

I pause--and one looks at me, her eyes full of sincerity
And passion.

"Sandra Day O'Connor's gone!"
I nod--and notice her sign.
"Keep your hands of my womb"

"What about your pancreas?" I ask.
She looks at me, confused. Nothing unplanned has ever
Happened in her 4.0 GPA world

"I don't want anyone's hands on my pancreas."
She steps back, confused.
I laugh my crazy laugh
The one that makes my mother take her pills
and my father turn up the TV volume.

Then she sees, "Your eyes..." she whispers
My beautiful yellow evil Anakin eyes.
I bought them off Ebay--cheap

The previous owner was deceased
Apparently driving with them is unwise
Now I see through the eyes of a dead man.


Anonymous said...

what's wrong with you?

Sorry but that's my first reaction. (;


Kate said...

Oh, J. This is clearly a cry for help.

Anonymous said...

I don't really get this one. ;_;

I guess I just ain't emo enough.

Berkeley G. said...

I'm so confused....

Anonymous said...

is this going to end up as a category in "my silly writing'?

Racheal said...

"I laugh my crazy laugh
The one that makes my mother take her pills
and my father turn up the TV volume."

I don't know if it's supposed to, but that makes me laugh. I can relate.

Yay for emo poetry.

j said...

Nobody understands the poor emo child...

Yes, I think I'll add this as a new category.


Bayley--the last one references the fact that S.D.O. is off the U.S. Supreme court and now some are worried about abortion rights.

I think these make a tiny bit more sense if they're read in the order they were written--blogger tends to favour (or favor, for the u.s. folks) the opposite.


msevangeline said...

leaves me a bit shocked and pained. It's really good though. I can't write like that. *shivers* makes me think of...dreams.