Sunday, September 02, 2007

Time for much blogly goodness

Yes--life will be busy with school and such. But Masters stuff is nearing completion.

Thus--back to the obssessive procrastination through blogging. Small trivial entries. Rants. CCC, Dythandra and maybe others visiting. Pictures. Video.

I have neglected my poor blog and self-indulgence will reign once more.

Visit. Comment. Insult me. It's all good.

I went to this site after finding an old recommendation from a friend. If you've seen it before, you know perhaps why I have been kind of obssessively reading it from the first one since late last night.

If you haven't read it, perhaps check it out. Either you'll think "meh" or you'll be like me and find that hours have passed and you haven't really left the computer. Don't judge it from the first one--try maybe a dozen to get a feel for it. (plus every so often he has guest artists write when he takes a week off, and there's one by the white ninja creator)

Not many hours until the grind of work, and my defence as well.


amandaaaaa said...

QC is my absolute favorite webcomic. When I first discovered it, I spent two hours on a Friday night reading all of the old ones and catching up.

Camila said...

the art on that comic has improved so much over the years... it's kind of inspiring. Definitely one of my favorites, too.

Camila said...

I'll be hammering nails for about one day per week, a little less... the rest of the time I will be convincing other people to hammer nails. I also feel slightly wimpy about it, but comfort myself with the fact that my lack of coordination makes me an inefficient laborer anyway. I have more impact as a convincer.

or so I tell myself.