Sunday, September 09, 2007

phase next

I guess the novelty of being finished will wear off soon, but it's just nice to be able to focus on some of the things I've been neglecting. I'm already working on the video of our last musical, I've been fixing up the neglected school web page, and I've just had more time for family stuff.

Of course the musical stuff this week, along with the New York trip issues, and of course 'meet the creature' on thursday night will all keep me busy.

Still, I'm looking forward to more times out with family and friends, more being able to watch mind-numbing t.v. at the end of a busy day, and of course, hockey season. (watching, not playing).

More writing: Dythandra, CCC, and Nanowrimo.

The weather this weekend has been perfect. Still, I drained the pool since while it's been getting warm enough during the day (it hit 26/79 today), the evenings are cool and the pool doesn't warm up quite enough.

We did enjoy our Sunday afternoon in the park and then out for ice cream. Here are a few pics:

There was a concert in the park...mostly fiddles.

A sundial is kind of cool--and it was exactly right, as long as you corrected for daylight savings.

Almost more like spring than about 10 days from fall.

Yes, those are palm trees.

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