Saturday, December 30, 2006

More seasonal stuff...

Tonight we took my parents on a christmas light drive. We saw some amazing (and amazingly tacky) homes, but pics of lights generally don't work. Last night, though we headed out to Butchart Gardens to see the annual Christmas decorations and displays. Over a number of years they built the "12 Days of Christmas"--we'd been a couple years ago but they added the 12 drummers drumming since then. Here are some pics; if you want to see the rest they're on my photobucket. The password is "lookatthepics".

This is the sunken garden all lit up.

This was kind of cool--a star way up high in a tree and then the real moon above that.

This is the outdoor skating rink--being Scrooges, though, we didn't agree to stick around and pay the bucks to let my daughter and her friend skate there.

My wife thought this looked like the Narnia lantern, an illusion which would be damaged if I hadn't cropped the men's room sign off the bottom of it.


Anonymous said...

Wow--Butchart Gardens is GORGEOUS! It looks like Prince Charles's backyard or something. My favortie light picture is the one of the trees--amazing.

j said...

I wanted to get the trees and I remembered being frustrated last year when I tried taking pics of the ones near our hotel in N.Y.--they were similarly decorated.

Digital cameras don't like christmas lights. Interestingly, though, if you put them on video mode, they handle it just fine.

The only way to get anything remotely decent was to turn off the flash, set the brightness to as dark as it would go, and lean/set the camera on something--I wished I had brought a tripod with me, or had one of those expensive cameras with more manual settings.

Happy New Year's eve, everyone. Be safe.

msevangeline said...

hope your new years was better than mine J.

happy 2007.

j said...

No, Katie--I'm pretty sure it's been the worst new year's ever here.

take care.