Monday, May 01, 2006

Some thoughts at midnight

Well, almost midnight. As of now (although he's been asleep for a while now) my son is officially doing the "30 hour famine". He went out and canvassed the neighborhood for sponsorships after hitting up the relatives as well. I think it's a good thing, and it's going to be tougher on him than it would on the rest of the family, since he's at that "always hungry" stage of almost teenagerhood.

Question: Did the "day without immigrants" protest make an impact on any of the cities/towns where those of you south of the border live? (uhm, yeah, south of the U.S.-Canada border, I mean)

Were the turkeys being processed in H-burg? I know Chicago had a protest. How about Atlanta, Jen? Or Pennsylvania, Jenny G.? Probably not much happened up in Ella's neck of the woods, or in B.G.'s college town, I imagine.


Raen said...

Here in Reno, Nevada- I noticed not a single thing.

Unfortunatly, for every person not willing to work- due to whatever reason- there are dozens lineing up for the chance.

There has to be a more productive, effective way to express one's political views then hurting your own paycheck.

Just my thoughts, though, and what do I know? /shrugs

(Found you through Ella M. btw, hope you don't mind the random drop in.)

ella m. said...

It was an effective tactic here, as it's very rural w/ lots of farms. Most of those farms exploit immigrants as cheap labor as mercilessly as they can.......yesterday was rather fun to watch.

Jenny G said...

I didn't notice anything, but I didn't go anywhere except work. I live in a pretty WASP-y area, but I do work in the state capital and didn't notice anything.

j said...


Ella, I've always found it sad that farm workers are so often exempt from labor laws--and that authorities look the other way with regards to exploitation there.

Jenny--I didn't realize you commuted to the capital? Is it far--might explain your, uhm, road rage posts...


Jenny G said...

It's 30 miles one way. On Thursdays when I work 1-8:30 it only takes me about 25 minutes. On other days (8-4:30) it takes 45-55 minutes. And yes, my commute is the source of my road rage. It's an interstate but it's only 4 lanes and people always drive slowly in the passing lane, totally oblivious to the huge line of cars behind them. I have a lead foot and no patience, so my blood pressure rises. I've started going a back way though, and that's much better except for when I get behind a car that does 35 in a 45. Grrrr...

Berkeley G. said...

You're right, nothing here. You don't see many illegal immigrants in Alabama...can't imagine why...haha. There seem to be a lot of them out west, according to NB (he's from Colorado) and when I went out there to visit him I found that to be true.