Tuesday, May 16, 2006

and for my friends of the rainbow persuasion...

...there are posters up encouraging people to be supportive and wear rainbow colours to school tomorrow. On that topic, I just heard something interesting from Murdoch. One local school--not ours or hers--has a policy that if you want to go to the prom with someone of the same gender, you have to bring a note from a parent saying you're gay.

I imagine an exchange that goes something like this:

"Here's the note dear. Now you can ask Suzie to the dance."

"But Mom, I told you I'm bi!"

"Now you listen to me, missy! I'm NOT going to be down at the florists at the last minute because you don't know if you need a corsage or a boutinier. You pick a team and you stay with it, understand me?"

Hmm--well, maybe that wouldn't be the parent's main concern...

Still, strange policy, don't you think?

Oh, and the doctor checked some things and is of the opinion my dizziness is sinus related, and so I've got something that will hopefully help that and maybe deal with the possibility that my hearing hasn't been as good the last couple of months--at least according to some things a couple of people have said to me.

Tomorrow my favorite relative arrives in town to stay for a week--much of it with us. I see some walks to starbucks (leave your corporate-bashing and let me have this) ahead...


Berkeley G. said...

That is a crazy policy, the prom thing. It seems like such a double standard that you can take anyone of the opposite sex with you to prom, no matter who they are, with no questions asked, but if it's of the opposite sex there must be some kind of permission slip involved. Maybe someday things will be fair...

Milly Nez said...

Claremont makes me so mad that it hurts. I mean, fuck! Can you imagine them making all the straight kids go home and ask for notes saying that, yes, they are straight. It's just another occasion to single the kids out. Oh, and what if you're not even gay and you just want to take a girl? Well, *that's* definitely out of the question.

Jenny G said...

How can that be legal? Is it a private school?

Milly Nez said...

And how can it be legal when we've even legalized gay marriage? I don't get it.

quinn. said...

HAhahaha. I am so pleased I inspired your little written piece. Especially the part about sticking to a team. Been there, done that.

But seriously, yeah, it definetly isn't fair in any way. I've never understood why people care at all. I mean, if other people are gay and going with peole of the same sex, how does that affect you in any way? All I can say is at least it's not my school.

j said...

er, Murdoch, at your school don't the STRAIGHT kids have to bring notes?


ella m. said...

That's sneaky as hell, rather than just ban same sex couples from the prom, this school is just making them bring permission slips and forcing them into an uncomfortable situation.

Either they get the slip and tell their (perhaps less than accepting or unaware for some other reason) parent or they have their prom ruined by not being able to go with their chosen date.

That sucks.

Raen said...

Ugh. What on earth are they thinking?

I could rant for hours. But I wont bother.

Stupid, hateful, narrow-minded, idiotic people. I just cant believe this is allowed.