Saturday, April 01, 2006

The ADD Movie Usher Reviews

Napoleon Dynamite

Yeah, strange kid that one. Actually, the whole movie is weird. I was sitting there--well, leaning, really--we're not supposed to sit. I think it's kind of stupid, since we're supposed to be able to watch the movie and the audience that we have to stand up all the time.

Anyway, this Napoleon kid is pretty creepy. I mean, what's the point of all these kids wanting to watch this movie and talk like this kid when if he went to their schools they'd just shun him and mock him. And that Pedro kid--if he talked at a normal speed, this movie'd be over with a lot quicker.

And tell me this--when I worked that show there were two couples in the back making out. What the hell? Who gets turned on by this stuff? I mean, if he asked you to dance after seeing those moves would you? Not that my boyfriend dances any better--but I figure Napoleon was supposed to be sober when he was dancing.

Oh, and Napoleon has this brother who's as geeky as him but gets this hot drag queen from the internet. My friend says it wasn't a drag queen, but I kinda think it was. I give it 2 stars. (That's outta five stars.)

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