Tuesday, February 01, 2005

don't look in the china cabinet

Transcript of conversation mentioned yesterday (more or less)

Judy: So if we buy this warranty it covers all the things on this list? (looks at list)
Furniture Girl: Yes--and if you buy it we don't charge you GST on your purchase.
Moi: Stains from bodily fluids? Ewwwww....
Furniture Girl: Well that's more for fabric of course...
Moi: (pointing) See--it's listed for the wood furniture too.
Judy: Couldn't you just clean it?
Furniture Girl: It would be like if a kid maybe threw up on it
Moi: You could clean that--I think they mean bloodstains
Furniture Girl: Yeah--of course, if you were going to murder someone in your home, you wouldn't want people to find the bloodstains
Moi: But wouldn't the people who who replaced the furniture know?
Furniture Girl: (looks around surreptitiously) They might not tell...
Moi: But with all the CSI stuff now, I bet they could still tell
Judy: So this lasts for seven years?
Furniture Girl: Yeah--so if after five years you want new furniture, you just "arrange" to have a child drop something heavy on it. Of course, it would have to be (looks around again) "an accident".

She didn't make air quotes with her fingers, but they were clearly implied. I think I would shop there again, even if the furniture is kind of crappy.


1 comment:

Mouse said...

Hahahaha, thats awesome! I love the sales people with actual personalities! I gotta remember that when I go into Business!