Friday, September 04, 2009

And the latest retro/nostalgia trend to return is...


Obama wants to start off the school year by making a 15-minute speech to students encouraging them to take control of their education.

Apparently it's really an attempt to indoctrinate them with "Marxist propaganda".

First, the ridiculous proposition that health care isn't just for the rich and now telling kids "to set goals for your own education: to study hard and get involved in your school."

Fortunately a lot school districts are savvy to his gun-hatin', healthcare-forcin', ways and they won't be lettin' their kids be brainwashed by the man the country is followin' like a bunch of crazy cult people.



Jenny G said...

The nerve!

Gina Thompson said...

I had to give my students permissions slips to get signed by their parents so we can watch this on Tuesday.

School admins cow-tow (?) to parents way to often, IMHO.

Unknown said...

I've heard that brainwashing waves will radiate from the light-box to turn the students to the ways of socialism.