Sunday, August 21, 2005

State your quest

The weekend thus far:

Friday was nice--the kidlets did an overnight at the inlaws and Judy and I went out for supper downtown. Moxie's for those who know Victoria, seems to have a hiring policy that goes something like this--"you must be good looking enough to be on a magazine cover to wait tables here". My wife and I both noticed this to be true of both the guys and the girls working at least that night. Nice to know that the staffing policies of The Keg from my university days still live on, at least at that restaurant.

Then we wandered downtown and ended up at the tourist trap gelato place where R. is now working--poor kid, she's worked about 30 hours this weekend or something insane. Anyway, it was nice to see her there and take a pic of her in her "uniform". I don't know that my credit rating would allow me to patronize that place too often though. Crazy expensive, but I guess the tourists just off the boat can be assured it's merely the "exchange rate" at work.

Yesterday we had a nice barbecue at my wife's sister's place, and her husband and I were in the liquor store when I discovered this to my great delight:

I'll let you know how it tastes. I really just wanted the bottle, anway.


katiedid said...

That is unspeakably awesome. What a find. Well, I am jealous. I must now go on a quest to find the Holy Ail.

Camila said...

oh man. that's beeeeeeeeeeautiful like crazy. like whoa. like billy-o.

yeah. that beautiful. and I don't even like beer.

msevangeline said...

when I saw Moxie I got all excited..but then realized you weren't talking about the soda.