Sunday, December 12, 2010

Video Advent Calendar- Dec.13

I think I first saw this three years ago--maybe I even posted it. This is the original--there are better versions they've got on their website--plus other songs if you want to take a look. (You can get to it from clicking on this video and going to their Youtube page.)


Unknown said...

I'm glad I saved the last two for Monday! After my panic attack induced by the "walk" through the mountains I had to take a break.

We have snow - a dusting. Hence everything is on a two hour delay.

j said...

It's ridiculous here sometimes too--we get any snow at all and the city is paralyzed. The city of Victoria proper has no snow clearing equipment any more, so major six-lane artery roads get closed, while my little municipality sends the plow down our cul-de-sac twice overnight if we get an inch.