Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I am Nostradamus

My wife and I went on a rare movie date last Friday and saw Gran Torino--if your ears don't tune out too quickly when you hear racial slurs and profanity, I'd definitely recommend it.

I can see a potential tragedy ahead.  Imagine the not-to-distant future--maybe ten years from now.  Video rental stores are all but history; a few folks still order blue ray disks from netflix or something similar.  A couple is glancing over some potential choices:

He: I remember someone at work said there was this movie that was great--named after some old school car.

Her: Hmm, let me see.  Is this it?

He: Yeah, I remember my grandpa had one of those years ago.  Let's order it.

Let's hope the resultant evening doesn't end up in some horrible suicide pact.

1 comment:

j said...

testing - trying to make comments show up.