Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Kid Who Sits Behind You Explains

The Audacity of Hope

So Barack Obama wrote this book and I didn't exactly read it too closely but I figure it's about some chick named "Hope" and I guess she's kind of "audacious" or somethin'--I think that's maybe like "bodacious" which of course means she's probably smokin' hot.

Thing is, it's kind of one of those "symbolic" names and so it must have two meanings. He says some stuff about when he lived in Chicago, so maybe he means that "Chicago Hope" show as well. That was some stupid show my parents used to watch about a hospital so I couldn't watch South Park on the cartoon channel at the same time so I asked to get a t.v. for my birthday but my parents said I should get a job but I have all this work to do reading stupid books like this for school.

So I figure this Hope chick maybe works in a hospital in Chicago--so she's probably some hot nurse that maybe Obama was all makkin' on before he met his wife, or maybe he meant his wife 'cause I've seen her on the t.v. (when my parents aren't watching stupid hospital shows) and she's kind of audacious herself.

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