Tuesday, November 04, 2008


It's about time. I had this dull apprehension that somehow the GOP would be able to manipulate things (like in 2000) to steal this election too. Then it would be a matter of time before the pressure of the job finished off the septuagenarian who already has health problems and put the easiest puppet into the oval office that the dark forces of Cheneyism could ever hope to manipulate.

Thankfully, it didn't happen.

I was watching the Vancouver-Nashville hockey game (and flipping to election coverage from time to time) and when they announced that Obama had been declared the winner, it got a standing ovation in the arena in Vancouver.

We're mostly very happy about this here, although we know that democrats will be more protectionist due to their deep union support than republicans, and that equals potentially hostile trade legislation and practices--but it's worth that risk to see a quicker end to Iraq and less likelihood of other military escapades to help fatten the wallets of arms manufacturers.

How much health care could that war have bought had it never happened?

Off to Nanaimo to see Macbeth at the college tomorrow. The forces of evil are defeated in that story, too.

(You may have noticed I've switched back to a more traditional blog look, but the comments still don't show under the posts as a link--anybody know how to fix this?)

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