Saturday, June 28, 2008


Summer's here. Last day at work yesterday, and at noon picked up a friend who's in town and we went and wandered Willows Beach. No wind--which is not the norm around here, at least down at the beach.

We had a sucky spring. So far, though, summer's trying to make it up to us. Last night was amazing, again, no wind, warm--after supper we got our pool set up. Today and the next few days it's supposed to be into the low 80s.

Lots of jobs to do, now--but it's the stuff you put off until you have time, and now I have some. First summer in a while with no masters degree to worry about.

Thursday evening I took a bunch of my graduating theatre kids out for dinner. I may post a few pics from that. I had gotten changed in a hurry and headed off--it's probably a sign of how worn out I've been lately that I had misbuttoned my shirt and it stayed that way all evening. Funny that none of my young dinner companions would take the opportunity to mock my dressing skills. Must've been too dark in the restaurant--or so I can hope.

I'm off to go water the garden and finish prepping the pool. Enjoy your weekend, folks.

Oh, and an aside to Jenny: Maybe so, but how many different phone numbers does a monkey really have to learn, anyway? His bookie, a good pizza delivery place, and maybe the PETA donation line?

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