Monday, February 06, 2006

The weekend that was...

Friday: We got smug--predicted crazy windstorm never materialized that night. Got a visit with my wife's sister and one of her daughters that evening, they are here from Winnipeg for the first time in quite a while.

Saturday: Another visit with my wife's sister and two of our nieces this time--the wind is crazy, and I manage to just get my specialty--vegetarian lasagna--out of the oven when the power goes out. So we had a nice dinner by candle and camping lantern. It was fun.

Sunday--the wind was gone, as was the rain, but for some reason we had several random short power outages during the afternoon. Supper was at Boston Pizza, where all screens were on the Superbowl.

Random rant: U.S. networks charge millions for Superbowl ad time. Thus, the companies who purchase those spots debut multimillion dollar amazing commercials that are attractions in themselves. We here on this side of the border never see those ads--our cable companies cut in lame Canadian ads in their place. I hate Bell Mobility--their stupid beaver commercials kept running over and over. Grrrr.

The Seahawks made it close while were were in the restaurant--14-10--but then it went downhill. The fans in the restaurant weren't thrilled by that--Seattle is our closest NFL team, and of course all our U.S. TV coverage comes from there. I was not concerned either way; I'm not a big football fan, and actually, the only NFL player to come from my small home town, Roy Gerela, was a long time Steeler kicker.

Now to go make a final exam. Bleah. Anyone want to come build and paint a Wizard of Oz set for me?


Anonymous said...

no commercials!?!

a travesty! commercials are the ONLY reason to watch the superbowl. at all. this morning in drivers ed the tv was on 'good morning america' or something and they were doing a superbowl recap -- of the ads!

normally i don't go for all the commercialization and i'd rather just watch the show, but more effort is put into these, it seems...

sorry you missed them. try online if you really are that sad about it. (;

msevangeline said...

I didn't even realize the super bowl had happened...*shrugs*

never really seen the "commercials"

and if you pay for my flight and stay I'll be glad to paint for you. Painting is fun!

Berkeley G. said...

I would come paint the Wizard of Oz set for you--I love painting!

The weather there seems bad--it's been strange here lately--a lot of thunderstorms and cold 30-40 mph winds. We usually don't have that. I have been wearing a huge jacket with a hood over a baseball cap and sunglasses to shield my face every time I go outside to smoke--it's horrible! Glad it improved by Sunday for you.

Also, I can't believe you guys don't see the Superbowl commercials there--that's the only reason I watch it, since I don't really care for football either. I didn't care who won like you, and Wednesday on a Microeconomics test one of our questions had to do with the Seahawks sports gear and the superbowl and I had to raise my hand and ask if they had won or not.

Hope you are doing good! I haven't had time to get on here until today because I've had 3 tests this week! :)