Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Want to come to a show?

If we figure out all the technical stuff (and thanks Geoff for all the help there, btw) we'll be fine.

My trip to Van got postponed--they didn't have any lights in stock, but now it looks to maybe be a go this coming week.

My neck and stress level are both giving me problems, but now I've got better meds for the first, plus some, er, homeopathic (cough*hippie*cough) medicine for the second.

Tonight was surprisingly good medicine for the stress, and I must say I do live in a beautiful city, even it rains more than I would like sometimes.

Sorry the posting has been sporadic; we're at the scary last week before our first "preview"--a shortened matinee--and then it's a week long run. Once this is all settled I suspect life, and posting, will return to normal.

Best wishes, and broken legs to the superstitious, to my H-burg friends on Suessical--does it open this weekend? Are there pics on line anywhere? Inquiring minds want to know...


msevangeline said...

hey J. Opening night went wonderfully.

and I'll email you a link to just a couple pictures...I don't know if there will be more...anyways...hope everything comes together for you show!

Anonymous said...

We rocked it yay.

Hippie medicine is the absolute best kind. And you know me, I know all about absolutes.

And-- week long run? Your SCHOOL musical is doing a week long run? Holy effing awesomeness, can I come live there?

j said...

Congrats, Alex--

Yes, we do a Monday - Saturday run (and I haven't decided about adding a Saturday matinee yet, but I'm leaning towards not) but it's because our theatre is small.

We have a bit under 200 seats and so last year we did 10 shows of GREASE over two weeks. Even so, all those were sold out before the second show, and I am sure I could've sold out at least another week of shows had we been insane enough to do it.

Must go rehearse now...