Friday, January 13, 2006


Yeah--Friday the 13th.

It started out true to its reputation--worked at the same school for 10 and a half years and never been late--until today. Normally my commute is 20 minutes, maybe 25, but today it took over an hour and I was five minutes late.

The rain--I think today was day 26 in a row with some rain. I hate it now--I mean, there was a little sunshine in the afternoon, but the weather has been weird--way wetter than normal even for here. It can stop now.

But then the day improved. A trip to the haircutting place to see a friend's head shaved was fun, then lunch out, and after school taking a friend out for a belated birthday beer.

Then home with no kids for the evening--it was just a nice day after a crappy start.

Meanwhile, I wrote a friend an audition monologue, and feel this little temptation to post it--but self-consciousness overrides that, I fear.


Anonymous said...

ooh - post it!

msevangeline said...

I concur, post it.

also, my friday the 13th was weird too.

at school from 7:20am till 10:30pm. *sigh* it was my own fault.

post it, I might be able to use it for something!

Anonymous said...

As the person you wrote it for I say that you should consider posting it. You know how much I liked it and I think your fans will enjoy it just as much as I did. It's a great piece of writing and even you see it having potential to become more than a monlogue. I think you shoudl do it. Thanks again by the way. I love you for it. And I owe to times a million.


Berkeley G. said...

I had a bad day Friday myself--got caught in the rain halfway to class and got drenched, having to go home and miss class entirely. Then I got even more sick from the rain,etc. Then someone told me it was Friday the 13th, and it all made sense.

Kate said...

Ummmm, I worked 11 hours on Friday the 13th..?