Monday, October 10, 2005

Poetry by Dythandra


The list is long
My sins, their bleating, my consequences...

The anger simply builds.

It spirals out of control--the house shrew next door
Screeches her antagonism to the one who bore me

"She's out there every afternoon, suntanning without..."

Well, can I help it if her Prince Charming's a perv?
I see him watching me and I just smile and wave.

Of course I'm not really there to tan. SPF 150 for me.
Pale is an investment.

Tonight I'm persona non grata. One step too far, the parentals say.
I guess when I sober up I'll either blush or giggle. Maybe both.

The tequila went down smooth, and the walk home was more a stumble
With a purpose.
I looked at their porch, bleary eyed,
And somehow recalled their weekend trip to the lake.

I'd seen their son--a pretty boy a year my junior--
Take the key from under the rock many times.
In the darkness I found it easily.
The lock was my silent ally, and I drifted inside.

It hadn't just been the tequila tonight, and so
The munchies took my hands, and placed them
on cupboard doors.

I tried a bowl of cereal, but it was dry and I hate milk.
The chips--promising, but salt and vinegar--too bad.
Then I found it--half a cheesecake
The purge will come later.

I eat my prize and wander to the tv room.
There it is--a game cube and my favorite challenge
And soon I'm blasting creatures with abandon.

Too much abandon, and the china vase is toast.

I try to pick up the pieces,
But bending over makes my head swim.

I stumble down a hall, find a bedroom
Posters of Rose McGowan stare at me
Strangely comforting.

An hour later--but a moment in my time
I hear a scream. Too slow I rouse myself
They are upon me.
I play at being confused--
"Why are you in my room?"
They call the gendarmes anyway.

Just before the uniforms lead me home
I hear the shrew calling the alarm company
At least they like me,
That's two new clients this month.

The officers pass me to my mortified parents.
"What's your excuse this time?"
That one knows me too well.

I look up at him and grin.
"I'm Goldilocks, dammit!"

Pity the bears.

1 comment:

Jenny G said... seem to know a little too much about that :-)