Saturday, October 08, 2005

Let the Hating Begin

I've posted the cast list for my musical on my school web site. There are a number of kids who had substantial speaking roles last year who are chorus this year. I know there's going to be a lot of disappointment among some--those who didn't get in at all and those who got smaller roles than they hoped--and some excitement among those who "won" bigger roles.

As of now, 19 speaking roles and 32 in the chorus. I think there's about 13 in the pit, give or take a couple.

Now if the strike ends soon we can get down to work. I wonder if I should hide my car the first few days back?


Anonymous said...

Did you eat a cookie from the ones I gave Mr. Karim? Because those were for the teachers. HE'D BETTER NOT HAVE EATEN THEM ALL.

(I think the first day we're back at school I'm going to be attacked by giant egos. RUN!)

Milly Nez said...

Bwahahahahah! Rachel as the Scarecrow?? I didn't even think about it, but it totally works. That's hilarious.

Also... why are you never online?

Anonymous said...

Adding on for this:

I wonder if I should hide my car the first few days back?

Only if you dislike pissy teenagers. Oh wait, you already deal with those everyday. You've really got nothing to fear.

j said...

Yes Marcie, I did get some of those much appreciated cookies. It was very nice of you.

Wow a lot of people looked at the school site--specifically the cast list--yesterday. There were 344 hits by 117 different visitors. Of course I noticed that several people posted links to it from their LJs as well, so that might've increased it.

Pissy teenagers? Never met one.
