Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Google Streetview Finds - In a mall on the Kamchatka Peninsula

 So this is a bit off the beaten path...  

I'll admit, my only real knowledge of Kamchatka was that is was a zone you could take over in the game of Risk, which I played faithfully when I was 12.  This photo is from a window in a store in a town in Kamchatka--it seems like a fairly nice mall for the extreme east and somewhat north of Russia.

In case you're wondering, no, they don't have English language signs in this mall.  I used the website Yandex.com to translate a screenshot of a photosphere from the mall.  Actually, they've set it up so you can navigate around the mall just as if you were walking through it.  

I didn't realize that China and Russia were so cozy that Russian pensioners could go for trips to get plastic surgery in China.  That seems... weird, on a number of levels.  Apparently treatment in China is available to everyone "from 2000 rubles".  So with the ruble's current value of about 2 cents, that would be about 40 bucks.  

But what does this say about the Russian medical system?  Maybe it's just that there aren't any good plastic surgeons for seniors that many time zones east of Moscow.  With the difficulty in getting a family physician or a basic medical appointment in our area right now, maybe I should look into a trip like this myself...

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