Wednesday, July 29, 2009

too damn hot

"BC Heat Wave Gets Worse"

We aren't set up to deal with a long spell of hot weather. Today, Port Alberni's supposed to get up to 40 (104 F). They're about two hours north/west of us, and that sort of weather is what's turning the forest into a tinderbox ready to burn from a carelessly-tossed cigarette butt or even a piece of broken glass that acts as a lens to focus the sun's rays on dry grass.

There's a campfire ban everywhere on the island; campers aren't even allowed those citronella candles to keep mosquitos away.

It's still about 80 (26) at 11:00 p.m. the past few nights when we're sitting outside trying to cool down before we attempt to sleep in the overheated house.

We had an air conditioner we got rid of for energy/environmental reasons a couple of years ago--but the past few days I've been questioning that. Maybe I'll just drive around in the air conditioned car all day...

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