There's a tradition at our school that during the graduation ceremony the grad class sings a song. For many years it was a lame but somewhat cute butchering of something like "Stand By Me" or the theme from Cheers.
Last year the grads had a small musical ensemble who played instruments and actually prepared a song--theirs was a cut above what came before.
This year's grad class, while maybe not the stellar crew we said goodbye to in '08, probably can claim an even better song; it was a nice moment in a rather ordinary ceremony (apologies for the video quality--it was just my digitial "still" camera):
If you want to see some photos from Friday--the ceremony--or the dinner/dance last night, you can to photobucket:
The two albums can be accessed on the left. The password is my first name and my last name all spelled as one word.
So jealous, best grad song ever
WOAH! thats amazing, who is singing?
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