Sunday, August 06, 2006

a moment for some props

...specifically giving them to my friend Carrie.

First, this pic of her was in the NY Daily News recently:

It seems it was connected to a movie she's been filming--"Good Luck Chuck".

Also, last week she was taping her second appearance on "The L Word". This time she's a Russian film actress, apparently--so being able to do the accent paid off. (Here's where I look sternly at a few people who mock me for my rare slips into an ersatz Russian accent.)

And it seems she's scored a recurring role on Smallville as the secretary of Lex Luthor's dad. It's nice to see someone who works hard get rewarded.

In a unrelated addendum to this--I just happened to be searching names at random on google, and I discover that a student in my acting class in my first high school job (the one who won best drama student in the province that year) was a contestant on Jeopardy this past February and won over 18 grand.

I wish I'd known so I could've watched.


Berkeley G. said...

You are connected to the most interesting people. I wish I could be you. :)

quinn. said...

What a fox. I met her! I touched her hand! She's probably touched famous people's hands! Like Katherine Moening! Ha!

I'm really...really immmature.

msevangeline said...

very cool.

Kate said...

Oooohhhhh, that is cool.

I'm addicted to "Promiscuous" by Nelly Furtado, who you are also connected to.

My friend Amanda went to Seattle two weeks, and she went to Victoria! Now I know what a "late amber" is. One step closer!

msevangeline said...

J. you're connected to Nelly Furtado?

j said...

Ahh Murdoch--just one degree of separation between you and Shane.

Kate--Cassassa (sp?) was here and I didn't know? I so would've bought her a drink (wait--maybe coffee due to the still being a minor thing) and grilled for embarassing stories about you)

Katie--Yeah, she was in one of my musicals when she was in grade 8.