Saturday, May 14, 2005

The Kid Who Sits Behind You Explains

Sense and Sensibility
So, this Jane Austen chick wrote a bunch of books because her life all sucked and she died young but she could have romance in her imagination and stuff--kind of like that girl in the library club who's always looking at me funny and it creeps me out so I don't stay in the library when she's there. Anway, she wrote this book called Sense and Sensibility, but it doesn't seem to make much sense and all the people aren't very sensible so i guess she was being all ironical when she titled it.

Anyway, there's this family and the dad dies and the half brother says "bugger off" to his stepmom and stepsisters and they go live somewhere else and life sucks and they try to get hooked up with these guys but it's all about who's rich or not 'cause on account of if your family was poor and you were kinda hot your family could marry you off to a rich dude and everybody'd be okay but if you were fuglified and you had bucks you could get married too because it was all about the cash.

The people doubletalk all the time too--so if they're saying "what a lovely cozy cottage you have here" they really mean "nice trailer, Cletus, when's the tornado comin'?".

I tried to read to the end. I really did, but these people are sooo stupid but instead I think I'll just get that girl in the library to explain it to me. Yeah, I suck.

Oh, and by the way--I'm hitting the beach a lot now summer's pretty much here so my friend who sits beside me in class is gonna help write some of these. She's cool, if you don't mind the acid flashbacks that whack her brain out sometimes.


Milly Nez said...

Such a cop out... "didn't finish it".

Anonymous said...

I don't know, what's the likelihood that 'the kid who sits behind you' would have actually finished Sense and Sensibility?

But if he uses it again...(:


j said...

Hmmm... Milly ragging on ME about not finishing something...

To be honest, I looked over the older KWSBY posts and realized that they showed he hadn't read or understood the literature at all--but in more recent ones, they're almost entirely accurate, if skewed. It was getting a little too... sucky. So he's going to show his true colours occasionally.

Anonymous said...

editing, publishing, laughing maniacally.