Not writing much on the 'net any more. Was out for a drink with a colleague last week and discovered she'd had a piece of writing she entered in a CBC contest get her past the first round and into the semi finals or something.
I read it; it was pretty good--they had to make them very short. We talked about writing, and why it is that we might keep something like an interest in writing rather secret.
Perhaps it's a little because of another colleague we watched inflict her creativity on every event in our building and every gathering and to celebrate every milestone. It's a bit like someone who thinks you like their baking because you once complimented something and now they constantly offer it, though you don't really want it.
We don't want to become that person.
It's my birthday today. Nothing major planned; we did our family dinner out last night, our larger family stuff on father's day last weekend. Tonight we're off to son's award ceremony--don't know what he's getting, though.
Got a nice t-shirt, some cards and a nice birthday cake from my four main booth kids today. I will miss them; they're all made it clear they want to stay in touch and come by lots. It's a nice sentiment.
Sadly, we all move along and we don't keep up with those who once were important. I realize that when I go back to my home town for the occasional visit, or look back sadly on those I once thought close friends who've drifted away.
Fortunately, life seems to bring new and interesting people along all the time.